Great Blog piece by Michael Lewis
Let's see, what is causing this shutdown to happen:
1. Republicans refuse to compromise
2. President Obama refuses to lead and force a deal.
Republicans weant $60 billion in cuts. Democrats want $30 Billion. Why not just make $45 Billion in cuts. Simply and sensical right? Even former president George W. Bush could do that math!
Also, Planned Parenthood has been a great service for generations in this country. Abortions are a very small part of the services they provide. Trying to get rid of them would do way more harm then continuing their existence.
Question to Republicans: You want to make abortions illegal. You also want to cut programs that help low-income families and mothers. Who will support the kids that will be born who come from very little and will have very little?
Obama's weakness, bat-shit republicanism and ignorant and greedy masses will cause this economic depression to linger on longer than it should.
At LEAST Charlie Sheen is back to WINNING!
LOVE IT!! Republicans suck ass and the Prez and Dems need to grow a pair. I'm a chick and my b@lls are bigger than all of theirs combined. As much as I hate to say it, at least with the Republicans they do what they want and are open about it. It was cool that Obama was trying to be a good sport and was all about bipartisanship, but when the other half doesn't want to play along, then the Dems need draw their weapons and take aim. Stop trying to be everybodies friend, grab your left nut and do your DAMN jobs!!!