For the first time in my life I can recall, my prayers have been answered. Glenn Beck will be leaving the Fox airwaves full time later this year. This guy is one of the worst things to have ever been put on the airwaves. He is a fear monger, liar and extreme whacko. This has made my day. I am smiling while typing this. Bye bye douchebag!
SF Gate says it best " Beck, a hyper-conservative given to wild and hard-to-substantiate claims, and the occasionally crazy rant (to where the blog Gawker's called him an "unhinged crybaby"), has lost a slew of advertisers (like Geico and Proctor & Gamble), so it's no surprise that his daily TV show's coming to an end.
Glenn just plain does stupid things on his show and on Fox. From calling President Obama racist, then taking back the statement, to the consistent use of Nazi and Holocaust imagery, upsetting not just Jewish groups, but anyone who has at least half-a-brain to be aware of what's decent and acceptable to do on television."

Glenn Beck is the skid mark in America's Fruit of the Looms.