John Kyl cannot retire fast enough. Today he stated that 90% of Planned Parenthood's services are performing abortions. Such a blatant lie. The Republican crusade to end funding for Title X dumbfounds me since it was started by Richard Nixon, a republican president. However, as we all know republican's prior to 1996 would not be republicans today.
This link will tell you what Title X is all about.
The Title X Family Planning program ["Population Research and Voluntary Family Planning Programs" (Public Law 91-572)], was enacted in 1970 as Title X of the Public Health Service Act. Title X is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services. The Title X program is designed to provide access to contraceptive services, supplies and information to all who want and need them. By law, priority is given to persons from low-income families.
In fiscal year 2010, Congress appropriated approximately $317,491 million for family planning activities supported under Title X. At least 90 percent of the appropriation is used for clinical family planning services as described in the statute and regulations (45 CFR Part 59). $70 million of this is allocated to Planned Parenthood. Now the republicans will have you believe that Planned Parenthood needs to be wiped off the face of the earth because all they do is perform abortions. This is far from the truth and further more none of the funding from the government is used to fund abortions because this is against the law. Find more below.
Wake up America. When will we revolt against the the untruths spouted by the Republican party?
Great post. Very informative and exposes yet another contradiction in the conservative agenda. These same conservatives preach from their bully pulpit about abortion, yet they are against sex education, contraceptives and the social programs that aid the young and fiscally disadvantaged from providing a nurturing environment for a baby and growing child. Family planning is one of these mechanisms that provides guidance in this area, yet the conservatives want to take it away? Why?
ReplyDeleteI theorize that this is another way of keeping people down. When you saddle a young person with a responsibility they are emotionally, fiscally and intellectually prepared to deal with, you damn them to a life where they will never achieve the goals they have for themselves. The mantra of the pro-life set is, "it's a life". This is inaccurate. The reality is that it is three lives, and many times forcing a young woman to have a child she is ilequiped to care for ruins her life, the life of the father, and puts a child in a poor environment where proper development is hindered and the child is damned to a disadvantaged life. Three lives ruined by one poor decision compounded by a false cultural expectation (family values). A little education and family planning goes a long way.