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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Facebook and their lemmings

I am not on Facebook and will try to go as long as possible in life without joining. I understand all the positives my friends and family tell me about the ability to share and stay in touch. However, this is easily overcome by staying in touch the old way via phones call, emails, etc. Also, I don’t have a desire to share such trivial information about what I’m doing, where I am at or have been and frankly I don’t care much about what others do. I know I’m a minority on this. However, the main reason that I don’t join Facebook is they scare me more than any other company in the history of mankind. Blackwater don’t scare me as much as these guys. I know other tech companies such as Google collect and analyses tons of data off each visitor to their sites and that is scary in itself but Facebook takes it a step beyond. They have now confirmed they track you now when you aren’t logged in to their sites. Cookies have been around since the browser was created but Facebook takes this a step further.

We know what you are doing

The other things that annoys me about the proliferation of Facebook is other sites now require you to login with a Facebook account and if you don’t then you have to create one or you are out of luck. A recent example of this is Spotify requiring this. I have also seen this is certain musical bands requiring Facebook accounts for advance ticket sales and other special items.

No account no access

I don’t trust Facebook. They have amazing brilliant talent and are led by a young brilliant leader who is also maniacal. This guy wants to rule the tech world and one day he will. He will eventually be the richest man in the world once they go IPO and continue to grow. I feel with their technology and the AI they have created and will create, they will be able to easily personalize everything and tell you everything about everybody. This should scare everyone but yet the lemmings keep joining and jumping off that ledge.

1 comment:

  1. Good post Stewman. Nice to see the written word and your views on an issue. Keep it up!
